Monday, March 30, 2009

Tacos & Tofu

Spence's favorite word (right now) is yes.
When we chat about his day at school, it is yes, yes, yes...

"What did you do today?"
He nods.
"Did you go outside?"
"Did you read stories?"
"What did you read about today?"
He nods.

A few days a week, I lug Nora into school to pick up Spence. Today, he spied her, ran up to her carseat and peered in to say hi. We put on his coat, grabbed his nuk (I know, I know) and held hands as we left the door. I took a mental note of the day's events so I could ask about his day.

After both kiddos were secure in the car, I started to engage Spence about his day. He chirped his "yes" for each question. Until I reached the food portion.

"What did you have for lunch today?"
Tacos? Tacos? Did he really just answer my question with actual information?

Where is the line to record that in his baby book?
First time he actually answered a question with events that occurred a few hours prior? Tacos for lunch.

I started cheering. I was just so damn excited. And I am not one to hold back.

After a few more questions that elicited only yes responses, I dared to ask what he'd like for dinner.
Foo-Foo? Foo-Foo? Did he just give me a decoder ring to figure out what he'd actually ingest? The level of excitement was the same as if Ed McMahon had arrived on my doorstep with a giant check.

"Tofu it is." And with that, there was a lot of chanting and song-making (on my part) about tofu until the tofu was served. For the record, he gobbled up five slabs of golden brown tofu.