Nora, of course, was still sleeping. My breasts were not. They were ready to shake their milk makers and give this babe some food. As per normal these days, I am either awakened right before a milk gush or shortly after. My eyes opened and came face to snout with the plush cow hanging from my bed. I stifled a scream. It is still unclear to me why this mobile would be comforting to any living creature. And the atonal Bach was not even playing.
The mobile is attached to our bed frame for sibling harmony. Spence had forgotten how much he loved his mobile. He spent many hours in his own babyhood delighted by the turquoise cow, fuchsia donkey and lime green horse. When we dragged it out from the basement, I was unprepared for his nostalgic trip down babylane. We needed to put the mobile in a place where both kids could be delighted by its magic.
I had been taking the mobile down each night. There is just something kind of wrong about being an adult with a husband and two children who sleeps below a mobile. But, I grew lazy and tired of Spence using it in the mornings as a spear of sorts. So now you know. I am 33 and sleep below a mobile.
Maybe you have some of your own Calder love to explore :)
I was just about to give away our mobile (yellow monkey, pink rabbit and I can't remember the third animal), but this makes me think I should hold onto it for a while longer?
Now I want a mobile! ;)
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